
ToDoList (EJS, MongoDB, Express, Mongoose)

Heroku website (WWW)

Created a ToDoList website
To work with World Wide Web, I rented heroku dataserver that's running 24/7 to deliver the app accross the internet.
Also, for back-end, MongoDb Atlas, which is mongoDb's own cloud service, is capable of hosting the database.
App interact with MongoDB and able to add and remove a list using mongoose
Implemented diffrent route using a param keyword and able to CRUD custom lists using route params
A layout using EJS increased efficiency and able to pass list of items in an array format and show data in a programmatic way

Blog Website (EJS, Express, Node.js, MongoDB)

Created a blog website where I can access blog posts I have made.
App interact with MongoDB and able to render a post using post_id in MongoDB
Enables for express server to access route and each post I have made dynamically.
Implemented partial layout, therefore reduce redundancy and improve efficiency.

React Recipe website (React)

View React website

Created a react website where users can search food recipes
Fetched data from an open API with react

Drum_Kit (Javascript, DOM tree)

View Drum_Kit website

Created a drum kit website to interact with use input
Each button represents different drum sound and handle "keypress" event.
Applied awesome animation too.
Demonstrated DOM manipulation with vanila javascript

Cuisine-Project (ASP.NET, C#)

Created a recipe selection website using ASP.NET and deployed it to a website using azure cloud services
Administrator access can even use advanced CRUD options such as "Update" or "Delete" current recipes or cuisines
Database is connected in order to store user information

Simon game (jQUery, Javascript)

View Simon game website

Created a Simon game
As the level goes up, the pattern gets more complicated.
Demonstrated jQuery, and event handler with callback function.

Job Listing Website(MERN)

Created a Job Listing Website with CRUD, using MERN stack.
Post Request will create job postings
Put Request will update the posting position information with given value
Delete Request will remove a job posting.
Get Request will get multiple job postings made so far.

To Do List App (React)

Created a To Do List app where a user can list things to do.
User can filter the list by 'all', 'completed', 'uncompleted'.
Used localStorage to save the list (In Google Chrome, web storage data is saved in an SQLite file in a subfolder in the user’s profile).

MovieSystem (AWS, API, C#)

Created a movie review and rating website
Demonstrated with Elastic Beanstalk, DynamoDB, S3, etc.
Demonstrated with ASP.NET Core MVC

Chat App (React, chat engine API)

Created a Chat App With online statuses, great design and functionality image support, sound notifications, the ability to create multiple rooms

Exercise tracker application (MERN)

Created an exercise tracker application
Learned the MERN stack and it helps to make the development process smoother and easier

Course Registration App (AndroidStudio)

Created Course Registration App for students where students can signUp & signIn and register program and courses.
Used SQLLite to save Student, Course, Program Tables.
Used Google Map Api to locate Centennial College location from satellite.

JS_Crash_Course (JavaScript)

View JS_Crash_Course

Created a JavaScript Webpage to improve JavaScript proficiency.
BlackJack game is now available!

Memory Game (Python)

MemoryGame.exe now available to play

Created a Memory Game where players have to remember the hidden numbers and it gradually becomes difficult as the level rises.

Runnershooter Game (Unity, C#)

YouTube Presentation about Runnershooter Game
(Game Demo starts from 5:00)

Created a first-person unity game where player can use items or attack enemy
Converted into android mobile platform (.apk)

Check out and download .apk file
(assignment2-part3.apk in Builds folder)

BMI calculator (C#)

Created a BMI calculator using windows form in visual studio
Displays BMI based on user inputs, supporting metric and imperial system
Various restraints are applied for . and calculate buttons

Laptop Order page (C#)

Created Laptop order page using windows form in visual studio.
Used entity framework to local DB and able to save and open a .txt file from the product selection page.

MERNproject (Still Updating) (MERN)

Created a MERNproject which is a simple social media MERN application that allows users to post interesting events that happened in their lives.

Hotel Reservation Application (JAVA EE)

Created a Spring web application using Spring MVC pattern and MVC components.
Demonstrated freatures of MySQL database and created database and tables in MySQL workbench.

WinForms Application (C#)

Created WinForms Application which has 3 types of applications.
Each application used the entity framework to get the database information from .mdf file.
1. Book application displays sorted books regarding the specific condition using LINQ.
2. Baseball application enables to find the certain player by Player ID and his Last Name.
3. Asynchronous application starts 3 different tasks asynchronously which are Factorial, Fibonacci, Rolling Dice and display elapsed time.

Asynchronous Application (C#)

Created an Asynchronous Application using windows form in visual studio.
This application enables to start 3 different tasks.
Tasks are Calculating Factorial, Checking input number whether Even or Odd, Generating Lists of random variables with chosen types.
Generated numbers can be searched whether it exists, and user can set the low index and high index to see only variables between those conditions.

Athlete Record Application (JAVA EE)

Created a Spring Boot Application using JPA, Hibernated and Spring Data API.
Demonstrated the use of @Query annotation.

AWSS3Bucket (AWS, API, C#)

Demonstrated AWS S3, AWS RDS and AWS DynamoDB
Implemented C# to access AWS service programmatically


Demonstrated comprehensive understanding of AWS DynamoDB
Demonstrated becoming familiar with IAM and AWSSDK
Demonstrated use AWS DynamoDB service programmatically

VBForm (

Created simple calculation VBForm

Java study


Psyduck Smasher (JavaScript)

Simple clicking game made using JavaScript and each time you click a monster, you get a point
As points cumulated, the monster moves quickly

Application Online Form (JavaScript)

Online application form made using JavaScript and indicates the user if necessary contents are not filled.

Tax Calculator For Lunch (JavaScript)

Input And Submit (JavaScript)

Stream Writer

Serialization(JSON) and Complex operator

Overloading method
